Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In which I try to comfort myself

To be fair, he was warned. He was WARNED. I mentioned to him, couple weeks ago, that I am a bitch. Two weeks ago exactly. ... Ok, not exactly, it could've been anywhere between 2-4 weeks ago that I mentioned this to him. But, I'd ballpark it at 2 weeks. Keeping track of time is not my strong suit.
And if that wasn't enough of a warning, I did tell him 3 days ago, and that one is 3 days exactly, and I know for sure because... never mind, I know, but I told him that I was the expert at not being a couple. Did he ever stop and think for a minute there was a reason for that? Hmmm? Probably. And he probably assumed the wrong things. Which is not my fault.
So, he has been warned.
And just as I'm convincing myself that this means he has been warned so I am not entirely to blame, Cold Hard Bitch comes on, and then I have this starking realization that that song is about me.
And the only thing that is currently distracting me from that thought is: starking isn't a word. But I'm going to use it anyways, because I'm pretty confident that people will know what I'm saying. Or maybe I'm just foolish. In any case, I'm definitely a doucher. Which is also, not a word.
And I have failed at comforting myself.

To be in a pickle, or to not be in a pickle. That is the question.

So you and your coworker clock out at the same time, walk out together talking. Which means that, you did not go say good-bye to the boy who bought you dinner a couple nights ago. Who stopped up at the office to say 'hi' and continue a conversation that had been taking place via texts. What are you going to do?
Break away from the person you are talking to, awkwardly, and go say goodbye, awkwardly, while the person who is working in the office can see that you've deliberately gone to say goodbye to someone. Awkward. And a good way to start gossip. Unnecessary gossip. What're gonna do.
Not to mention that if you do go back and make a special trip. this could come across as... I view this as something that is getting serious. But you don't. And if you text and say, "sorry I didn't tell you good-bye" you're indicating that there is something there; enough there that you would make a special trip or send a special text. But there isn't, and you don't want there to be. What are ya gonna do?
Because the truth of the matter is that I do hold firmly to the fact that while boys can be stupid, they are not without feelings, and their feelings can be hurt just as easily as girls. So how do you balance not hurting someones' feelings with not leading them on? What a pickle.

How To: Break A Heart

Let's see:
He wants kids. I don't.
He likes Rush Limbaugh. I don't.
He doesn't know Simon and Garfunkel. They are one of my favorite bands.
These are the important things in life.
On top of that, I'm leaving in January, and while he may KNOW that, knowing is completely different from ACKNOWLEDGING.
The point is, the chase is enticing, but after that, all you can do is say, "I've made a horrible mistake." And then you are just about as bad as all the boys who have ever dragged your heart through the mud; and what's worse is, you didn't do it back to them, you've gone and done it to someone who was totally innocent of all your previous turmoil. It always sucks to be the innocent bystander.