Monday, January 2, 2012

Big Decisions

I have a problem of wondering if I made the right decision. It could be whether I made the right decision of what college to attend. It could be whether I should have eaten a reese's instead of a kit kat. I ponder these things. It's mostly a waste of time, but don't tell that to my anxiety.
As it turns out, I made my decision of which college to attend a little over a month ago. Whether it's right or not at this point doesn't matter. This is my third undergrad school and like it or not I've made the commitment to stay and graduate. This one's for real. I'll know whether I made the right decision in a few months. Or maybe upon arrival. Or maybe not until I graduate. I'll worry about it anyways. As for the candy, well, I had both. Suck it, they were mini-size.
What I've currently been pondering are the following: dying my hair pink (again) and rejoining facebook.
I dyed my hair pink when I was 18 and I just felt so much like myself. It's a weird feeling to describe. It's like when you find THE PERFECT SHIRT at the mall. The one that you look at it and go "oh yes, that is totally me" and then you try it on and it fits you perfectly and you say, "Wow, what a gem; I must buy this shirt." Aaaannd, let's just add icing to the cupcake. You think to yourself, "If there was a cartoon character of me, this is the shirt I would be wearing." That's how I feel about having pink hair. If I were a cartoon character, I would have pink hair. The worry is that I'm not 18 anymore. Am I too old to be dying my hair atypical colors? Will my professors take me seriously? Will I go to them for a recommendation for an internship just to have them think, "yeah, she knows what she's doing and I think she would be a good fit but she's got that ridiculous pink hair"? My mom thinks perhaps I should get a feel for the campus first and then decide if it's what I want to do. My coworkers think perhaps I should just highlight my hair pink instead of going to the extreme. I think I'll chicken out if I don't do something soon, and then when I'm 30 and lamenting think, "I should have done that when I was younger."
Since leaving facebook, I have lost some friends, which is sad. Very sad. Kind of depressing, disappointing, disheartening. And I have said in the past that I would most likely rejoin in January upon returning to school. But I really don't want to. It's sad because I know my once lost friends would return to being my friends upon my return to facebook, but that's not how I want my friendships to be. I just feel better not having it. Facebook is a dangerous thing to behold. While it can be good for forming connections ("Hey, he likes Big Bang Theory too!) it can also deter people from actually getting to know each other (He likes the O'Reilly Factor. No.) It's so easy to judge and be judged based on our facebook pages. Sure, that's kind of what they're there for, but then it removes the getting to know someone part. Because maybe the guy that likes the O'Reilly Factor also likes BBT, Nirvana, and pumpkin cookies. Or maybe he's friends with his mom and has to make his page Mom approved. You never know. You can get lost looking at other people's lives through their albums and photographs. You can feel disappointed that you don't have any notifications (having a cell phone is about as much disappointment as I can handle). For me, there's also something satisfying about not having a facebook. The shock factor when other people hear you say that. "How do you survive without facebook?!" To which I should probably just start responding "I'm a recluse and a loser?" Maybe I'm just reluctant to go back because I don't like so many people being able to access where I'm at and what I'm doing with my life. What am I, a museum display? If I creep on other people's pages (guilty), I know they are creepin' on mine. Unfortunately, most people look at me like I'm strange if I try to explain all this: "Where did you come from, Planet Loser?"