Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Subconscious thoughts

Have you ever wondered if you do some things subconsciously? For instance, I noticed the other day that my hair brush was filthy and needed to be cleaned out, as if I hadn't cleaned it out in ages, which is, actually, very unlike me. And I remembered how my previous boy attachment had commented once how he thought it was nice that I cleaned my hair brush out because his ex-girlfriend never did and it drove him up the wall. Upon reflection, I realized that I hadn't really been cleaning out my hairbrush properly for quite some time, say, maybe about the time he smashed my heart to smithereens. Had I just gotten lazy over the past few months or was I subconsciously doing something that I knew would annoy him, even though he's not in my life anymore?
Note: "boy attachment" not "boyfriend." Although I would have liked him to be my boyfriend, he said he wasn't ready for a relationship yet, only to start dating someone else. That really makes me nothing else but a stepping stone. (Save this for the next guy that tries it:
Can you break-up with someone you weren't really going out with? So, that leaves me at a loss of words for "boyfriend" and "break-up" and I never know the right way to describe it.
We still don't talk even though it's been months, closer to a year. He said he valued my friendship, but I don't know what I'd say to him or how to be his friend. I feel like he doesn't have a spot or need for me in his life. He's got his friends. He has a girlfriend. My guess is he's forgot my existence by now, and that I never cross his mind.
Liz Phair: "It's harder to be friends than lovers" and she is so right.

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